President of a holding answers to partners questions

Dear Partners! We suggest you find answers for the basic questions that you sent to the President of the holding Mr. Robert Mack. Since we received numerous quantity of questions, first of all were processed the most important ones.

1. What is the amount of registered capital of the Holding?
100 million Swiss Francs.

2. Is there any an audit accounting?
Yes it is.

3. Does holding have any property?
Yes. We have: real estate, software, trademark and the bank (Liz. B) for securities and metals storage with no cash transactions.

4. Does Holding have any manufacturing, and what it produces?
Yes we do. We are producing precious metals - gold, copper, platinum, silver.

5. What advantages gives holding’s trademark? Does it have any validity in law?
Any officially registered trademark has legal force. The concept of "trademark" is used to denote a legally protected name. Due to this holding can protect their intellectual property rights through the courts (In case of using trademark of the holding by third parties without permission).

6. How Holding is going to repay the full value of the car which is purchased with partners for 10-30% (40% ...)? 
With a help of internal income of company. This is a charity help from the company, and it is not designed for such cars as Ferrari, Bugatti, etc.

7. In which sectors money is working? What is a chance of getting investments in such programs as INVEST, GOLD, TOMORROW?
The money is involved in the project of extraction copper concentrates with subsequent production of refined copper (cathode).

8. By whom and how investments of partners are insured and how we can know that? On the paper you can promise anything, but how it works in practice?
Our main insurance is presence of the gold bars in the vault.

9. What will happen with cars, investment programs, real estate and etc. in case of bankruptcy of holding? All of that is on the balance sheet of the Holding, isn’t it?
Under any circumstances, all tangible and intangible assets provided by the company, will become the property of contractual partner. This formulation will be included in every signed contract.


6 February 2012 at 11:55